Our Board
Becoming a board member
StacyBrittain, Founder/Clinical Director, Board Chair
Stacy tailors her work as a Marriage and Family Therapist to the client, recognizing the uniqueness within each person: the therapeutic tool box contains a variety of interventions, not a “one-size-fits-all” tool. She uses the four spheres of biological/psychological/social/spiritual in her assessment strategies, believing that good mental health is found when these areas are well-balanced. Her exploration starts with where a person is today--this is where Stacy finds fertile ground for growth.
Stacy has years of training and experience in dream interpretation, incorporating dream work into the counseling room, and teaching regular classes on how to understand ones own dreams. Stacy has a certification from the Allender School for PTSD and the healing of Trauma, and is a Certified Brain Coach from the Amen Clinics. As a degree-holding Master Herbalist, Stacy specializes in supporting the nutritional aspects of healing and growth.
Stacy was a collegiate and pro-volleyball player earlier in life. After her pro volleyball career ended, not ready to earn money sitting in a chair, Stacy set out on a 15 year carpentry career. A passion for healing through nutrition propelled her to earn a Masters in Herbology from The School of Natural Healing in 2000. In 2001 she got tired of digging ditches and crawling under houses and through attics, and began to ask God, “What next?” In 2005, He spoke to her in a dream, and she began the journey to MFT licensure.
For more about Stacy: www.stacybrittain.com
Craig Lauchner, Executive Director, treasurer
Building Love is Craig’s goal. 25 years experience leading small healing groups combined with his creative engineering talents qualifies Craig to be our resident interactive healing play mastermind. Students in our schools often need help disrupting awkward social dynamics or to address other troubling issues. We partner with educators in helping students express themselves more effectively, employing methods to counter negative beliefs that lead them to act out. We create play experiences that go after these issues quickly and enjoyably, keep kids active and engaged, and foster learning experiences that build stronger bonds while addressing the issues of concern in the classroom.
Giant cooperative foam puzzles, two-person labyrinths and games that squash negative thoughts accomplish these healing goals, and Craig is working hard to develop The Wisdom Training Center's as the place for inspired growth-oriented play.
Craig holds a counseling certificate from the Allender Center in trauma and abuse recovery. He also leads Menlo Church's program in addiction recovery serving men from all over the Bay Area. Craig also has 25 years experience (and 20 patents) as a mechanical design engineer and innovation expert in a range of industries. Craig has left his mark on medical devices, computer hardware, retail andindustrial environments, and amusement rides. His dream is to build an amusement park someday. He loves Tigger.